Mangosteen Juice

Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with daily exercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret; it’s just plain fact.

Choosing the Proper Fruits

While some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you’ll be able to eat right even if you don’t consume the exact amount needed daily. The mangosteen is a fruit that is filled with all the vital vitamins and minerals required to provide that needed dosage for good health on a daily basis.

The Mangosteen Fruit

Grown in the tropical land of Southeast Asia several centuries ago, the mangosteen tree needs warm temperatures and large amounts of rain to grow. Nonetheless, its growth is very slow and it achieves its peak-season in about 10 years. By then, it starts to produce large quantities of mangosteen fruit yearly.

What Exactly are The Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice?

The health benefits from mangosteen juice is faster absorption in the body instead of eating fresh or dried. The most significant health benefit from the mangosteen juice is the rich content of antioxidants in each fruit. Antioxidants are recognized for their ability to fight and delay the aging process, thus leaving us with healthier skin.

Drink mangosteen juice for your health benefits. These health benefits include a good daily dose of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber.

Just a Reminder

Although the health benefits from mangosteen juice are huge; it acts to compliment our immune system by assisting it to fight infections and other possible diseases. It does not cure any illnesses on its own. All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for our health and well-being.

Feeding our bodies with natural foods found in nature, with no preservatives or additives, is one of the best ways to ensure a long, healthy and happy life. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables as frequently as possible to sustain your health for the long haul.

Dr Software Can Help Keep Your PC Healthy

There are many things that can affect your PC’s performance. From viruses and spyware to hidden errors and missing application files, there is no end to the possible culprits that could be slowing your computer down. To find any one culprit could take you hours upon hours of searching your hard drive and you might not even be successful. Added to that, is the fact that there could be more than 200 reasons why your computer is not performing like it used to.

With numbers like these, you might begin thinking that it is impossible to keep your system running lighting fast and error free, but with the right Dr. Software, you can keep your system operating glitch free without lifting a finger or manually searching your hard drive.

Dr. Software is software that routinely scans your hard drive and operating systems for errors and nasty bugs that can slow it down. If the software finds any bugs or errors, these errors and bugs are fixed and removed immediately before they can cause problems. Not only does this keep your PC performing like new, it can save you a great deal of money because hidden errors are responsible for major computer glitches that often require professional tech help.

Hidden errors occur when a program or application starts to run improperly due to lost operating files or holes in the way that data is stored. This happens when you add programs and delete programs. Hidden errors can also occur when you download hidden and harmful software like spyware and adware. These programs can operate without you knowing it and can compromise your system.

Some of the symptoms associates with hidden errors can include slow responses to your commands, program glitches, pop-up error screens, loss of data and system crashes. While all of these problems are annoying, some can get so severe that they result in a fatal error.

Instead of letting these problems add up until they become annoying, unbearable or result in a total system failure, Dr. Software helps to eliminate any trouble that you may experience from hidden errors. This software fixes errors that cause problems, fixes corrupt files, prevents hidden files from causing harm, and helps you avoid formatting and rebooting errors without you having to think about it.

And you can use this software for a fraction of the cost that you would shell out to tech professionals. Unlimited access to repairs costs as little as $20 per month, $60 per year and $130 for life. Now, that’s a big difference than what you pay for in-house technical service. In fact, you could pay for your doctor software for a lifetime just by avoiding one in-home technical call. All of those technical fees avoided equal more money in your pocket and a smooth-running, error-free personal computer for you and your whole family to enjoy.

And if you don’t think your PC has hidden errors on it, think again. Did you know that research conducted by a leading software company has revealed that more than 94% of computers have hidden errors on them only after one month of operation? In fact, it is not uncommon for computers to have more than 200 hidden errors. That in itself is reason enough to take advantage of all that Dr. Software has to offer.

But even if you’re still doubtful, most Dr. Software companies offer free hidden error scans so that you can see exactly what is happening with your computer before you purchase protection. It only takes a few minutes to download and perform the scan, and once finished, you will be amazed by how many hidden errors it turns up.

So, if you are experiencing slow execution times, program glitches, system shutdowns and data loss, perhaps you should see if hidden errors are to blame with a free Dr. Software hidden error scan. After all, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose except those pesky hidden errors.

Dogs And Pets Provide Health Benefits

Do dogs provide health benefits? Believe it or not they do! Did you know that owning a dog and pet ownership in general, can help a person in many ways? Owning a pet can improve your mental wellness, reduce your visits to the doctor, improve your cardiovascular health and allow for faster recovery time from surgery as well as higher survival rates. Recent research suggests that dogs may be able to detect cancer on a person’s breath! Lets’ explore these amazing health benefits of pet ownership:

It has been proven that dog owners have lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-dog owners. These factors, in turn, reduce the chance of cardiovascular diseases. In fact, just stroking a pet has long been known to reduce blood pressure. Furthermore, a study from the New York State University concluded that these benefits continue even without the pet being present!

Hospital studies have shown that senior citizens and recent post-op patients respond better to treatment and recover faster while in contact with dogs and other therapy animals. Did you know that dog owners have a greater chance to survive a serious illness than non-dog owners? In fact, a study revealed that a pet affected a person’s survival rate even more than the presence or company of family members or friends!

Studies conducted at Cambridge and UCLA concluded that there is a direct correlation between pet ownership and improved overall health, which leads to fewer visits to the doctor. The Journal of American Geriatrics Society notes that pet ownership has a positive effect on a senior’s physical and emotional well being. Additionally, a Medicare study of elderly patients also shows that people who own a dog have fewer doctor visits than patients who do not.

Pet owners have better emotional health and mental wellness than people who do not own a pet. Pets offer unconditional love and affection and their presence alone helps reduce loneliness. For people who are isolated, disabled or handicapped, a pet offers friendship and can even add a element of safety to their lives. Dogs are used as a form of therapy in hospices, nursing homes and as companions for the disabled and blind. In fact, there are studies that prove that people with a major illness fight the stress of having the illness better by having a dog as a pet.

There is new research that suggests that dogs may be able to detect certain types of cancer. Researchers at the Pine Street Foundation in San Anselmo, California and the Polish Academy of Sciences exposed dogs to breath samples from breast and lung cancer patients and samples from healthy people. They claim that the dogs were able to detect cancer with astonishing results and accuracy. The dogs were able to identify 99% of lung cancer breath samples (which included early stage cancer patients) as well as 88% of breast cancer samples. The study, which has been met with skepticism, will be released early in 2006 and published in the March edition of the Journal for Integrative Cancer Therapies. Experts agree that this holds promise, but must be evaluated and researched further.

As you can see pet ownership or having a dog comes with many benefits for an individual. Owning a pet encourages social interaction, reduces stress levels, boosts self-confidence and self-esteem and encourages exercise. Having a pet is a great investment, not only in the joy and pleasure that the animal brings into your life, but the many health benefits that come with the territory!

Doggy Dental Care

Do you consider yourself a good dog owner? Is Fido not only the happiest pup on the block, but also the healthiest?

There are nearly 44 million U.S. households that own approximately 74 million dogs. Although many of these owners treat their dog more like a family member and less like an animal, most are unaware of one of the biggest health risks for their dog.

Periodontal disease is the most frequently diagnosed health problem in pets. In fact, more than 80 percent of dogs have it by the time they are 4 years old.

Periodontal disease begins when bacteria and food debris build up along the dog’s gum line. Plaque is created and, soon after, tartar forms on the teeth. Eventually the gums swell, and pockets form that can trap bacteria and lead to more serious problems.

“Doggy breath, loose teeth, bleeding gums, mouth pain and even infections in the heart, liver and kidney are signs of advanced periodontal disease,” says Jan Bellows, DVM and owner of Hometown Animal Hospital and Dental Clinic in Weston, Fla. “To avoid these health problems, owners must take steps to care for their dog’s teeth-much like they care for their own.”

Only one in five owners have ever attempted to brush their pet’s teeth and only 2 percent brush with enough frequency to maintain proper oral health.

In addition to brushing, Dr. Bellows uses ORAVET™, a plaque-prevention gel that stops disease-causing bacteria from attaching to the teeth. It is the only sealant available on the market.

After an in-clinic cleaning, the sealant is applied to the dog’s teeth, creating an invisible barrier that reduces bacterial plaque adhesion. Owners then apply the odorless, tasteless homecare gel to the dog’s teeth once a week. It typically takes less than a minute to apply.

“As a veterinarian and as a pet owner, this gel gives me a valuable tool in preventing oral disease in dogs,” says Dr. Bellows. “It’s easy to use and is a perfect complement to tooth brushing, dental diets and dental chews.”

Dog Health Tips

Everyone with pets, whether dogs or puppies, needs to have a veterinary surgeon to turn to in an emergency. They do a wonderful job, and you should never ignore a pet’s suffering. However, it is a waste of money to attend the Vet’s surgery when the problem is one you can solve at home. This is a short guide to dealing with minor ailments as a form of Pets’ First Aid. If the symptoms persist you can still contact the vet. Dog health need not always be a costly worry to the wise pet owner.

Some dog breeds do not like being handled: pitbull dogs and bull terriers for example. This should be key element of dog obedience training so that the dog accepts that you are entitled to treat him for his own good. After a country walk it is a good idea to give your dog a quick grooming or rub down, and check for any lumps or bumps that he may have picked up along the way. My own dog, a Collie – German Shepherd cross, gets twigs and sticks caught in round his rear and his bushy tail. Left unchecked, these can cause the fur to mat around them. The dog will worry at it and probably lick the area bare, leaving it open to infection. You can avoid this with a few minutes’ attention.

Ticks are nasty. They have a one-piece body and the harpoon-like mouth barbs attach to a host (your dog) for feeding. Crablike legs and a sticky secretion help the tick to hold on. Long-haired dogs like Schnauzers often suffer badly from ticks. When attempting to remove a tick, the aim is to prevent the mouth section from coming off and remaining embedded in the skin. The home remedy is simple and cheap – petroleum jelly, which is what you would get if you went to a pet shop and paid for a proprietary tick remover! The most effective way to remove the tick is to put a big lump of petroleum jelly over the area where it has attached itself. Leave this for at least ten minutes. Once the tick’s grip loosens, you can wipe it out of the way with a tissue.

Ear mites – if your pet has ear mites, then place two drops of corn oil into its ears (an eye dropper will do the trick), massage the ear gently then clean with a cotton ball. This will suffocate the mites. Repeat for 3 days. Regular ear bathing with oil is recommended by vets, to avoid a buildup of wax and irritants.

Constipation – try this quick fix for a constipated pet. For a large dog, add 3 to 4 tablespoons of mineral oil to its food. For a small dog reduce the dose to 1 to 2 teaspoons. Do this for two days and the problem should clear up.

Diarrhoea – mix one heaped teaspoon of carob powder with a little water and mix into your dog’s dinner. Use half a teaspoon if you have a puppy.

Urinary tract infections – mix 30-40ml of cranberry juice into your pet’s food. This will boost the acidity of its urine, reduce bacteria and help relieve the discomfort.

And if you’re not sure what’s wrong – say your pet seems ‘off colour’ – then here’s a tip we use all the time. Add half a dissolved aspirin or children’s liquid analgesic to your pet’s food. It can perk up a German Shepherd in minutes!

Dog Health Checkups Are Essential For The Health Of Your Pit Bull Terrier

All responsible dog owners know that when your pet shows signs of feeling ill or gets injured that it’s time for a visit to the veterinarian.

Naturally, it is important to take your pet to the vet when there is a problem, but many people forget the importance of taking their pets to the doctor when they are healthy! Taking your Pit Bull to the vet for routine well check-ups and vaccinations can prevent many serious medical conditions, and treat others early on before they have a chance to progress and endanger your Pit Bull’s health.

No matter how good the care you provide for your Pit Bull is, you may miss early signs of disease that the vet would be able to spot at a routine visit. Catching many diseases early can help prevent them from becoming major health issues. Animals often try to hide any sign of illness, because it can be a sign of weakness to other animals. Your Pit Bull’s ability to hide symptoms makes them that much harder to catch early on.

Taking your Pit Bull for preventative care can often save you quite a bit of money. Diseases left untreated can be very costly to treat, amassing tremendous bills along the way. By early diagnosis and treatment, you can prevent it from ever getting to that level, therefore saving yourself a lot of money.

By having routine visits with your Pit Bull, your veterinarian will learn what is normal for your dog, as no two animals are quite the same. In learning what is considered normal for your Pit Bull, your vet will be better able to tell when something isn’t quite right, and provide prompt medical treatment. Your vet will keep records of every visit, so that he can refer back to them, which will help in treating old problems, and diagnosing new ones.

At your yearly well checkup, your vet will also check to see if your Pit Bull is getting the right diet he needs. The vet will suggest changes to help if your Pit Bill is overweight, or malnourished. This can be vital to your pet’s health. Obesity is a major problem that can cause your pet to suffer from a variety of medical problems. It is also crucial that he get proper nutrition, and your vet can prescribe supplements as needed.

Providing routine veterinary care is a vital part of taking care of your Pit Bull. You are responsible for his well-being, and your vet can help you make sure everything is as it should be. Please don’t take these yearly preventative check-ups for granted, your Pit Bull’s health depends on them.

Dog Grooming Helps Promote Good Dog Health

Just like a shiny head of hair means good health for us humans, a shiny coat of fur on a dog means your dog is in good health. In fact, a nice, lustrous coat of fur is one of the strongest indicators that your pooch is enjoying good dog health. Proper dog grooming is important in promoting good dog health.

A Shiny Coat with Dog Grooming

As mentioned above, it all starts with good dog grooming. If you want your dog to have a healthy coat of fur, you should groom him everyday. You do not have to bathe him everyday. Just once a week will do, or once every two days if your dog is the type that has long or thick fur.

Bathing a dog can be a tedious dog grooming process that will get you ending up wet along with your dog, but it can be quite fun once you get the hang of it. If your dog belongs to a small breed type, you can safely give him his bath in your kitchen sink. However, if your dog is the big type, you would have to use your tub or set up a place out of doors where you can bathe him properly.

How to Bathe Your Dog

When you bathe your dog, use a hose or a detachable shower head and wet him thoroughly. Afterwards, apply dog shampoo and work up a lather, starting from his chest to the top of his head, down his back and tail and then to his legs. Be careful not to get any of that shampoo in his eyes or ears.

Also, use a dog shampoo for your dog rather than your own shampoo. Shampoo for human hair only works on human hair; it is actually harsh and irritating to doggie skin. Dog shampoo, on the other hand, is specifically formulated for dog grooming, designed to suit the sensitivity of the skin and fur of dogs. For an added sheen and softness to your dog’s fur, a dog conditioner also works wonders.

Rinse your dog thoroughly after shampooing and conditioning his fur. Make sure that there are no leftover soap suds on your dog’s skin, or else the soap may cause some irritations. He might also end up licking at the leftover soap on his skin, and that is always a cause of concern that merits a vet’s attention if it does happen.

After the Bath

Once you are done bathing your dog, dry him thoroughly by patting all the excess water out of his fur using a towel. If your dog has short hair, you can leave him to air-dry his fur out completely. But if your dog is the type that has thick or long fur, you may need to dry his fur out with the use of a hair dryer. He may not find the hair dryer comfortable, but it is better than letting your dog stink up again because his fur was not dried out completely.

Dog grooming does not end with bathing, however. To give your pooch the full dog grooming home-style treatment, you need to make a ritual out of combing or brushing his fur once it is completely dry. Brushing your dog’s fur will remove the snags and tangles in it if your dog has long hair. Not only that, it will get rid of whatever burs, ticks and fleas are making their home in your dog’s fur. Do this every day, even on days when you are not giving your dog a bath.

If you can afford it and if you do not think you are capable of doing this dog grooming by yourself, go ahead and give your dog some delicious pampering at a dog grooming salon.

A Shiny Coat beyond Dog Grooming

Remember that a shiny coat is not just for the sake of aesthetics on a dog. A shiny coat for a dog is a strong indicator of a good dog health. As much as good dog grooming can do the job, it is not enough.

Good nutrition also plays a large role towards promoting good dog health. If a dog gets all the nutrients that his body needs, then definitely he will get a shiny coat. If you love your dog, you will not skimp on the cost of dog food. True enough, there are some cheap dog food brands out there, but they are made up of cheap and low-quality ingredients. So you can be sure that your dog is eating good food, do not skimp on quality dog food. Or, you can cook up your own dog food to feed your pooch.

If after regular dog grooming and regular feeding of high-quality food and your dog still does not display a shiny coat, it means that there is something else that is wrong with his system. Your dog may not be as in high a level of good health than you may have guessed. In this case, it is time to go to the vet.

Dog Health Insurance for Your Pet

The word insurance is one of those words that just makes you cringe. Next to putting gas in your car it seems like the biggest expense you have and there is just so much that you need. You need to keep insurance on your car (it would have been really nice if somebody would have told how big a financial drain that was going to be), if you own a home you pay homeowners insurance, if you rent an apartment you have renters insurance, you struggle with the ever soaring cost of health care insurance, and if you are a really responsible family member you have life insurance. And now you find you are hearing that you should consider purchasing a health insurance plan for your pet dog.

You love your dog, he’s more then a pet, he’s a valued member of your family and probably your best friend. But health insurance? You can barely afford to put food on your table how are you supposed to be able to afford to insure your pet. Besides he’s just a mutt, dog health care insurance is for fancy purebred show dogs, not your rescue pet.

The shoestring you’re probably living on is the very reason you might want to consider putting pet health insurance on your pet. The average dog owner takes their pet dog to the veterinarian approximately 2.3 times a year and it will cost you approximately two hundred and eleven dollars per year. My guess is that each time you pay the vet bill your budget is screaming for mercy.

What happens if your dog contracts a disease, or gets hurt? It doesn’t take much to rack up some pretty serious vet bills. What if you have to leave town and can’t take your dog with you? Can you really afford to leave your dog at a boarding kennel? You already know how much you have to pay for your prescriptions, do you really think that a dog prescription is going to be any cheaper.

Your dog is your best friend and a treasured member of your family could you really live with yourself if you had to put him to sleep just because you couldn’t afford his vet bill.

It is possible to get health care insurance for your dog for approximately ten dollars a month. While it might not cover all of your dogs vet care needs it could help. If you shop around and read each plan carefully you should even be able to find a pet healthcare plan that will help pay for your routine vet visits. Some pet insurance plans will even cover some boarding expenses.

Some questions you should ask the pet health insurance company you are considering buying a pet health care policy from is whether or not your vet accepts that particular type of insurance, if there is a cap on treatments, how much is your deductible, and how will they handle any pre-existing conditions your dog might have.

Does Your Student Health Insurance Make The Grade

A growing number of colleges and universities have instituted a new requirement-student insurance.

However, when they attempt to comply, some students find that the insurance plan offered by their college may be less than adequate or that they are no longer eligible for coverage under their parents’ health plan. Others find that their school is outside the HMO or PPO region or their parents’ plan.

An alternative is purchasing insurance coverage through a plan designed specifically for college students.

When selecting such a plan, it’s wise to compare the cost of a college-sponsored plan against other policies and to find one that’s really designed to fit a student’s lifestyle. You might be surprised to learn that a college-sponsored plan isn’t necessarily the most affordable or comprehensive coverage available. What’s more, the plan should accommodate travel and stay in place should a student transfer to another school. Also, the coverage should be in place year-round, not just during the school year, and be priced to fit a student’s budget.

Experts say one policy that fits these criteria is Student Select from Assurant Health. This permanent, renewable, individual medical insurance plan is designed specifically for college students under the age of 30. Students must be under the age of 30 when they apply but they can keep renewing the plan when they are no longer in college and keep it up to the age of 65.

Since the policy is not an HMO plan, you can visit the doctor or hospital of your choice. No referrals are needed, no non-network penalties are incurred.

The plan can be paid for on an annual or semiannual basis. The company offers two convenient payment methods of credit card or personal check. Both the annual and semiannual payment options are available with the credit card payment method.

If you are not satisfied with the plan, you can return the contract within 10 days of delivery for a refund. If a cancellation request is received after the 10-day period, a prorated refund will be provided as described in the contract.

Does The Canadian Health Care System Cover Those Visiting Canada

The Canadian Health Care System is based on several socialized health insurance plans providing full coverage to Canadian citizens and a model to follow that the American Health Care System has been analyzing for a while.

In Canada, federal government set the guidelines that apply to the different provinces and territories of the country in health matters, but the system comes from public funding on a territorial or provincial basis.

Because every Canadian region manages its own health care system, there is too much controversy and debate in relation to health care coverage for both locals and people visiting the country.

People who want to access the Canadian Health Care system must apply for a provincial health card and wait for no longer, than three months to obtain their health card in the case of new immigrants.

While the Canada Health Act guarantees that all residents of a territory or province will be accepted for health coverage, temporary visitors can only access this system purchasing insurance by themselves.

However, there are also Public Health Care Providers that ruled under the same act, providing services such as hospitals, dental surgery, ambulatory services, primary care doctors, and specialists to cover provincial insurance policies.

As a visitor to Canada, you can purchase a health care insurance policy and benefit from these public services during your stay in the Canadian territory.

Canada counts with about 30,000 primary care doctors, who account for over half of all Canadian doctors so you will not have a problem finding a physician that can provide you with preventative care or basic medical treatment.

Specialist doctors account for 28,000 all over the country and there are countless private clinics operating in the country offering specialized medical services, although under federal law they should not provide those services covered by the Canada Health Act.

Even though, most clinics offer such services regardless the legal limitation, they are covered by private insurance policies to provide health care assistance to people that otherwise would be left without medical protection.

Private insurance in Canada may cover up to 80% of medical cost and it is available to visitors and local residents unsatisfied with their provincial or territorial health care system.

In terms of medical availability as of 2007, there is one primary care doctor for every 1000 Canadians, who spend nearly $3,300 per capita on health care attention every year.

Keep in mind that the Canadian Health Care System does not provide basic services to residents, and some of them are those that visitors usually require, such as optometrists, dental services, and prescription medication, which people have to pay.