Dog Health Information

Let’s face it, we love our pets. Sometimes that love can lead pet owners to pamper their pets just a little too much when it comes to food and treats. This over indulgence has the same effects on our pets as it does on us when we over eat or snack a little too often, we get fat. If you add in not getting enough exercise, then it is a problem compounded.

Yes, pets too can suffer from being obese. Statistics show that one in four pets weigh in the overweight or obese category. It is a problem which carries a lot of health risks to our four legged loved ones, and it is a problem that we as owners must handle.

As a Pit Bull owner, I know first hand how good it makes your pet feel to get those special treats, and how hard it is to not give them when it results in getting the loving look that only your Pit Bull can give. I also know as a Pit Bull owner that this particular breed needs a lot of regular exercise. Pit Bulls are very athletic and energetic by their very nature, and if they do not get enough exercise they are not happy. The dog also runs the risk of being overweight, which puts him at risk.

I realize that some Pit Bull owners would ask, “What’s the worst that a little weight could do?” Well the answer is that a little weight would do no harm, but if left unchecked the weight gain could quickly put your Pit Bull into the obese category. Some of the common ailments brought on by canine obesity are heart problems, arthritis and even diabetes. An overweight pet is also more susceptible to a hip condition known as dysplasia, as well as problems with the back and joints.

By now you’re probably glancing over to your Pit Bull trying to quickly gauge if your pet is within acceptable weight limits. Glancing isn’t going to give you an accurate answer, but if you’d like to do a quick home pet obesity test, then here’s how to do it.

First, get your Pit Bull to stand in front of you, and look at him from above. Your Pit Bull should have the shape more of an hour glass than say, an ocean liner. A dog with rounded out sides is certainly getting into the obese range. You should also be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily. Don’t press hard on your beloved pet; we don’t want to hurt him.

Keep regular vet appointments for your Pit Bull, as your veterinarian will also be checking your pet’s weight. Your veterinarian can also advise you on how you can get your pet back into optimum shape should he weigh in a bit too much.

Does Health Really Matter

Surprisingly, if you’re anything like me, you really don’t know.

Why not?

Well, it’s likely because we get so caught up in trying to build the perfect body, we forget to measure our health.

“So in truth, in the process of building a better body, we regrettably may forget all about our health.” In other words, we’re so busy training harder and harder to achieve the coveted six-pack set of abs, and we’re working even harder running on a treadmill every morning to peel off those layers of stubborn fat from our bellies… So in truth, in the process of building a better body, we regrettably may forget all about our health.

Interestingly, many people believe that health is a byproduct of living a life full of physical fitness. That health is attained in the pursuit of building a better body.

So I thought too.

You may remember (from a previous, “Truth Matters” Editor’s Letter of mine, where I revealed one of my life’s biggest “Ah-ha moments”)… I confessed to using anabolic steroids. I’m not proud of it. But, I want to be honest because in all good friendships, you need to show your warts if you want to strengthen the relationship.

Anyway, at the time, while to any ordinary passerby I must have appeared—on the outside—to be super healthy, I was actually killing myself on the inside. Day by day, the substances I was using were damaging my health.

It wasn’t until years later that I had an epiphany which would turn me on to the constant pursuit of building the best body my genetics would allow, and later, would help me discover my purpose: devoting the rest of my life to teaching others how to do the same.

During this time, however, I learned something profound: in life, we either move toward health or closer to death.

Sadly, in my experience, I see most people choose to wait until the later nearly happens—like a heart attack hits, an ulcer strikes, or a bout of cancer erupts—before they put their lives in order and get on the “health-kick” bandwagon. (Sometimes, unfortunately, they wait until it’s too late though!)

“…we ‘think’ we are healthy, but in fact, there’s a good chance we are not that healthy after all.” The truth is, there is no in-between. Yet, that’s where most of us live. Right smack dab in the middle. In other words, we “think” we are healthy, but in fact, there’s a good chance we are not that healthy after all.

Make no mistake. Health is hard to measure. Think about it. That’s why it’s so hard for most people to take a multivitamin. You take it. You don’t necessarily feel healthier the next day. Or the next. Or a month later for that matter. So, you stop taking it.

On the other hand, when you take a fat-loss pill, or a creatine-based supplement, if it’s a quality product, after about a week or two, you see noticeable results. You can measure it. That’s why we so easily fall in love with developing our physiques and yet can lose sight of the level of our health.

I have to admit, up until about four years ago—when my wife and I had our first child—I thought I was relatively healthy. So I wasn’t overly obsessed about my health. At 30 years young, working out with weights regularly, eating smart, nutritious foods, I “felt” pretty healthy. Little did I know how much abuse those anabolic agents, which I had taken over ten years ago, would have poisoned my health.

Then I attended a seminar in Denver, Colorado, where I was first introduced to Michael F. Roizen, a preventive gerontologist from the University of Chicago. I was invited by some fellow entrepreneurs who, like me, worked long, stressful hours during the week, didn’t always get the proper amount of sleep every night, and wanted to hear what Dr. Roizen had to say about the subject of health.

What was really intriguing was, unlike what I assumed I would learn that day… I came away with more than just how healthy (or unhealthy) I really was: I learned something entirely new… something he called our “Real Age.”

You see, Dr. Roizen has developed a scientific practice around his theory of Real Age. Basically, he’s compiled a way to determine your biological age, which may, for better or worse in many cases, be a lot different than your chronological age—your calendar days.

During the seminar, I learned that Dr. Roizen had spent the last nine years compiling a list of over 100 health-related factors. Among them, tobacco and alcohol use, diet, prescription and over-the-counter drug use, your parent’s health, even pet ownership and the highest educational level you’ve completed. He then diligently reviewed thousands upon thousands of scientific studies concerning various lifestyle, psychological, and health-related issues and weaved all of these factors into a questionnaire to determine your “Real Age.” Depending on how well you take care of yourself, your Real Age might be years younger—or older—than the calendar indicates.

“Dr. Roizen’s objective is to help you identify how healthy, or unhealthy, you really are—despite what you may think of yourself—and then offer up sound advice on how to correct it.”The questionnaire is rather arduous. It takes up to 45 to complete. But, in my humble opinion, it’s well worth the investment in time. And make no mistake about it, my friend, if you’ve taken your health for granted, be prepared for a shock.

After you complete the questionnaire, Dr. Roizen then explains how to follow a personalized “age-reduction plan” using a range of methods, from quick fixes (like wearing a helmet while bicycling) to moderately easy changes (avoid overexposure to the sun and radon exposure), all the way to the most difficult changes (reduce the stress in your life). You may be surprised to discover there’s no earth-shattering advice from him, by any means. The advice is practical and seems almost common sense. What I found most interesting, though, was discovering what my biological age was, versus my chronological age.

Needless to say, Dr. Roizen’s objective is to help you identify how healthy, or unhealthy, you really are—despite what you may think of yourself—and then offer up sound advice on how to correct it. In fact, he then shows you how to knock 10 to 20 years off the stated biological age, depending on how far you exceed it.

You can take the Real Age test for free, online. To calculate your Real Age, by taking the patented Real Age test, simply click here. Once you know your Real Age, you’ll receive personalized recommendations, health information, and solutions to help make your Real Age younger.

By the way, it may startle you to find out that the first time I took the Real Age test, my biological age revealed a 48-year-old man. (Remember, I just turned 34 in August.) To say I was disappointed in myself would be an understatement. Just imagine. As someone who has, for over 15 years, taught and made a conscience effort to live by the fundamental truths of residing in a strong, healthy body… I was devastated.

However taken back I was at the time, instead of blaming it solely on my chemically abusive younger years and accepting it as my punishment, I chose to use this upsetting news to provide me with the motivation to start making fundamental changes in my life.

Believe it or not, little changes were all that was required.

…like wearing a bike helmet (which I always thought was for wimps), whenever I went on bikes rides on my mountain bike. I started taking CO-Q10 supplements, daily, for my heart (which I always ignored because I told myself that was only for “health nuts”), despite the fact that both my grandfathers had heart attacks at an early age.

Again, like I said. Little, “healthy-minded” things.

“Making better choices not only adds years to life but, as Dr. Roizen indicates, it also slows your speed of aging now. The choices you have made until now not only affect your life expectancy but also your Real Age.”These little things, as they added up, started to make a significant difference in my biological age. In fact, over the course of the last three years, I’m proud to say my Real Age is now below my chronological age. I’m 30 in Real Age.

Think about it. It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?! Making better choices not only adds years to life but, as Dr. Roizen indicates, it also slows your speed of aging now. The choices you have made until now not only affect your life expectancy but also your Real Age.

So, does your devotion to physical fitness and the aesthetics of your physique define your level of health? I’m sure you’d like to think so. But, besides regular visits to your primary physician for annual “check-ups,” how sure are you about your overall health?

Wouldn’t you like to know?

Finding balance between fitness and health is the hallmark of living in a strong, healthy body… and living your absolute best life!

Does A Personal Trainer Really Need A Fitness Business Consultant

Asking why a personal trainer needs a Fitness Business Consultant is very similar to asking why a person who wants to get in shape needs a personal trainer.

That person has a basic idea of what his or her fitness goals are. They also know the basics of working out, or at least they think they do. They do all the different exercises they see other people at the gym doing, so they must be doing something right. And, even though is seems like a lot of work, they are starting to see some results from their efforts. So why would they need a personal trainer?

Well, as a personal trainers, we know that the exercises that most people do at the fitness center are usually performed with the wrong form, which can lead to injury. We also know that many people tend to use much heavier weights than they should because that’s what they were always taught. And we also know that a person get far greater results than they ever imagined by performing the right exercise program in the right way, and usually not have to work as hard for those results. A personal trainer’s job is to know how to accomplish the best results in the shortest amount of time. Our job is to take our clients’ results to the next level.

Well the same holds true for why a personal trainer needs to work with a Fitness Business Consultant. When you start your fitness business you will probably do what all of the other personal trainers are doing. Offer the same services, charge the same amount per session, market your business in the same way and work with your clients in basically the same way. You do all the things that other personal trainers do, so you must be doing something right. And, even though it seems like a lot of work, you are starting to see some results from you efforts. So why would you need a Fitness Business Consultant?

Well, since I am also a Fitness Business Consultant, I know that most of what the majority of personal trainers are doing to build their fitness business just doesn’t work. Sure you are going to get some results, but so would putting flyers on the windshields of cars in the grocery store parking lot. And whatever results you are getting are coming slowly and at a large cost, both in expenses and in missed opportunities. The job of a Fitness Business Consultant is to get you and your fitness business the greatest results in the shortest amount of time, and to keep those results coming. Our job is to take OUR clients’ results to the next level.

Personal trainers have the skill, knowledge and passion to make them successful at what they do. But skill, knowledge and passion alone will not guarantee you a successful fitness BUSINESS. You need to learn about the “business of fitness from someone who has the skill, knowledge and passion for building a fitness Business.

That is where The Next Level Fitness Solutions can help. They are a Fitness Business Consulting Company that specializes in dramatically increasing your fitness business AND income. With their comprehensive fitness business training programs you will learn everything you need to know to guarantee your business will be as successful and profitable as you ant it to be. And they offer a sixty-day unconditional guarantee on all of their training programs to prove it.

So, the choice is your. Keep spinning your wheels and getting mediocre results at best. Or dramatically increase your fitness business and income by visiting The Next Level Fitness Solutions today.

Natural Health Alternatives

You live a busy, hectic life. There’s never enough time left in the day to do everything you think you need to do. Your job, family and extra curricular activities keep you going at a pace that often can result in over-load, causing your body to very often rebel and simply not work as well as you are capable.

Your body does so much for you and should be treated with respect, so why not return the favour. Natural health is one of the ways you can learn to appreciate all that Mother Nature has to offer in the ways of ingredients that help your body.

Natural health is about being pro-active; taking charge of your own health, life and destiny. You need to understand that if you want to be happy and healthy for years to come, then you must be dedicated to making your life and especially your body healthy.

Living healthy is not about being a health freak, but about becoming health-conscious. It is about making the lifestyle work with and for you. To truly appreciate what natural health has to offer, consider investing in a natural health book and some good natural food cookbooks.

If you have been living the junk food and quick meal life, then you will need to incorporate vitamins into your natural health regime; to be successful in this, you will need to obtain knowledge on what vitamins your body lacks.

Through your research on natural health, you will quickly discover that there are many options open to you to help you in your aim of living the natural health way. Natural health also means incorporating more naturalistic solutions into your life. You will be able to enjoy the pleasures of life with a body that functions at its optimum at all times.

And if you are truly dedicated, you will succeed, and the best part is that once you start living better, you start feeling better; and that is crucial in dealing with everyday stresses and depressions.

Take time out of your busy, hectic life to learn more about living a healthy lifestyle by incorporating natural health alternatives to your daily routine. Your body works hard for you, and it’s time to return the favour.

Do You Need Health Or Travel Insurance

Obtaining medical treatment and hospital care can be costly for travelers who are injured or who become seriously ill overseas. The Social Security Medicare/Medicaid program does not provide coverage for hospital or medical services outside the United States.

Before you leave the United States, you should be informed about which medical services your health insurance will cover abroad.

Senior citizens may wish to contact the American Association of Retired Persons for information about foreign medical care coverage with Medicare supplement plans.

If your health insurance policy does not provide coverage for hospital or medical costs abroad, you are urged to purchase a temporary health policy that does provide this type of coverage. There are short-term health and emergency assistance policies designed for travelers.

You can find the names of companies that provide such policies from your travel agent, your health insurance company, or from advertisements in travel publications. In addition to health insurance, many policies include trip cancellation, baggage loss, and travel accident insurance in the same package. Some traveler’s check companies have protection policies available with the purchase of traveler’s checks.

Medical Evacuation

Although some health insurance companies may pay “customary and reasonable” hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for medical evacuation back to the United States. Medical evacuation can easily cost $10,000 or more, depending on your location and medical condition.

One of the main advantages of health and emergency assistance policies is that they often include coverage for medical evacuation to the United States. Even if your regular health insurance covers you for emergencies abroad, you should consider purchasing supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Whichever health insurance coverage you choose for travel overseas, remember to carry with you both your health insurance policy identity card and claim forms.

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

You may not need travel insurance, if you are already adequately covered by other insurance policies.

Depending on the travel insurance plan, travel insurance usually promises to cover you for cancellation or interruption of your trip, some form of emergency medical care while you are traveling, lost or stolen luggage, and various other troublesome occurrences.

Before you decide on a travel insurance plan, it is wise to investigate the plan carefully and read the fine print. You should closely check any agreements with your travel agent, tour operator, airline, or other companies involved with your travel plans. The agreements may include written guarantees.

If you have a fully refundable airline ticket, you may decide that you would not need trip cancellation/interruption insurance.

On the other hand, it may be worthwhile noting that certain insurance plans can protect you by covering the financial costs in case of the following situations:

A sudden, serious injury or illness to you, a family member, or a traveling companion.
Financial default of the airline, cruise line or tour operator.

Natural disasters or strikes that impede travel services.

A terrorist incident in a foreign city within 10 days of your scheduled arrival in that particular city.

The fact that you, a traveling member of your family, or a traveling companion were quarantined served with a court order or required to serve on a jury.

A circumstance in which you were directly involved in an accident enroute to departure for your trip.

It is a good idea to check your other insurance policies. For instance, your homeowners or tenants insurance may cover the loss or theft of your luggage.

Certain credit cards may also provide additional travel insurance, if you have used them to purchase the ticket for your trip.

Your health insurance may provide certain coverage, regardless of where you travel. But it is very important to note that some policies only partially cover medical expenses abroad. Moreover, as previously explained in the section on Health Insurance, Medicare/Medicaid will not cover hospital and medical services outside the United States.

Your travel agent should be able to advise you about the right plan for you. Before purchasing travel insurance, review the plan carefully, and be wary of buying coverage that you may already have.

Dog Health

As a loving pet owner, you want your dog to live a great life. You can do this thanks to the many advances in veterinary medicine. Dogs can live longer and healthier. And, the quality of your dog’s health is all about how well you and your vet work together to make it so.

Your first vet visit should be within the first ten days that you own her. In this time period, the vet will get measurements and weights for her. They will also check the blood and stool of the animal to insure there are no health concerns there. It is also important for you to get some basic education on modern pet care from your vet during that first appointment. The vet will be able to tell you how to brush the dog’s teeth, how to clean his ears as well as how to clip toenails. Just ask.

The next thing that you should keep in mind is your dog’s food. A well balanced diet will include foods that are good quality and in the correct amounts. Your dog needs the right nutrients to sustain a healthy lifestyle. You can always ask your vet which is the best food for your dogs as well as understanding how much to feed them. You don’t have to purchase the highest priced product on the store shelves either. Some of the most costly are not even that good for your dog. There are great inexpensive choices for you as well.

You need to give your dog exercise. It helps to strengthen muscles and keeps her weight under control. It helps with the immune system of the pet as well. You may actually have to encourage your dog to be active. If a dog seems to be a couch potato type animal, you need to find a way to get them moving. Other dogs are naturally active. You should put some time each day aside for the exercise of your pet.

Your dog will need to be seen by the vet at least once per year. This will allow the vet to insure the dog’s health as well as test for parasites that may be there. Blood and stool samples will be used for this. It is important to do this so that the vet can spot and treat problems before they threaten your dog’s health severely. You should also mention anything different that your dog is doing during this time. For example some pets will lick paint or will eat strange substances. These are signs that something is medically wrong and you should bring it to your vet’s attention.

Also important during this visit is that the vaccines will be updated. This is very important to your dog’s life. And, in some areas, it is required by law to have them done.

Lastly, you’ll need to know how to choose a vet. Do it the same way you would choose your own doctor. They should be someone that you trust and feel comfortable talking with. The vet should encourage your questions and support your needs.

Fitness Ball Workout

Regular physical activity and exercise is essential in weight loss, weight control, and improved health. Exercise when incorporated into one’s daily regimen may help reduce heart disease, cancer, certain types of diabetes, and other metabolic conditions. In addition, exercise may also improve brain chemistry and reduce anxiety.

Because of its physical and mental health benefits, many people have incorporated exercise in their lifestyles. However because of money constraints, certain individuals are not able to go to the gym or purchase the necessary equipments. One of the best options these individuals can consider is using a medicine ball and fitness ball. These equipments which has become popular among many health and exercise enthusiasts.

A medicine ball is a heavy exercise equipment, about the size of a basketball or volleyball. This ball is often sold as five to 15 pound balls. This ball is often used for circuit training and plyometrics programs. The weight of the medicine ball allows exercises to be performed in a dynamic manner, or what fitness experts terms as explosive movement. Medicine balls are often used by professional boxers to improve the strength of their abdominal muscles. Other athletes use this ball to increase core strength and improve the strength of their arms, chest, and leg muscles. Medicine ball exercises are most effective if training closely mirrors the movements within a sport.

Things to be remembered in performing medicine ball exercises include:

Perform warm-ups thoroughly before starting a medicine ball routine;
Ensure ample space and a competent partner when doing drills;
Medicine ball exercises, like other types of power training, should be done before heavy aerobic or anaerobic training if done in the same day;
Do not choose a ball that is too heavy, replace it if it slows down the movement of the exercise;
Complete one to three sets of eight to 10 repetitions for each exercise; and
Take extreme caution when doing exercises that require standing positions and throwing the ball behind the head. Improper execution of this exercise may hyper extend and put unnecessary stress to the spine.

A fitness ball, also known as Pilates ball, stability ball, Swiss ball, and gym ball is made of elastic rubber which usually has a diameter of 14 to 34 inches. Instead of exercising directly on a flat surface, exercising with a fitness ball provides instability that create tension to certain muscle parts. These muscles gain strength as they try to maintain balance. With frequent training, these muscles may become stronger and gain mass overtime. In addition, fitness balls works effectively while causing minimal strain or injuries. Many fitness experts reveal that fitness ball exercises, if executed wrongly may cause injury. Nonetheless, training on a fitness ball is one way of working out many hard-to-reach muscles. Adding a fitness ball in a fitness program may help surpass some difficult levels involved during exercise. Studies show that by simply sitting on the ball, stabilizer muscles are activated, these muscles are essential in improving one’s posture.

Fitness balls come in different sizes. Individuals who want to engage in fitness ball training should choose the correct size to achieve their health goals. The following list shows the appropriate ball size to height ratios:

Ball Diameter Height
30 cm – 11.8” Under 4’6”
45 cm – 17.7” 4’6” to 5’0”
55 cm – 21.6” 5’1” to 5’7”
65 cm – 25.5” 5’8” to 6’1”
75 cm – 29.5” 6’2” to 6’7”
85 cm – 33.5” 6’7” and up

Regular exercise coupled with nutritious diet are vital components of good health. Individuals who seek to improve their health should seek the advice of health professionals to maximize the effects of exercise and healthy food regimen. Obtaining the right information from experts is important to improve one’s health. Good health is a lifetime journey and is one of the components of a happy life.

Do You Have Healthy Credit

Read more and learn how to keep your credit healthy.

Jeanne S. answered an ad that promised 0% financing for her new car. When she got to the dealership, the best she could get was 6%.

Marco N. and his wife found their dream house. But their loan officer told them that the interest rate they qualified for was so high that they couldn’t afford the house anymore.

Karen W., after a long search, found an apartment to rent – but the landlord turned her down as a tenant, after he ran a credit check on her.

All of these peoples’ lives were affected by information in their credit report. Sometimes our own credit history affects us-decisions that we make ourselves. Sometimes we are hurt by the things that other people do-through errors on our reports or, worse still, identity theft.

Credit reports and credit scores

Q. What is a credit report?
A. It’s a history of how you pay your bills. It also includes where you live, whether you’ve been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy, and which companies have checked on your credit-worthiness. All of this information is collected by three nationwide consumer reporting companies. You should know that the information that they’ve collected may not always be the same, so it’s important to check out all three companies when you check your credit history.

Q. What is a credit score?
A. Information in your credit report is boiled down into a number that helps lenders and others decide whether to give you credit-and at what rate. It’s supposed to represent how likely you are to repay your debts, because it’s based on information in your credit report. Scores range from 300 to 850. Most people score in the 600 to 700 range.

Q. Why do they matter?
A. The better your credit history, the higher your credit score. The higher your credit score, the lower your interest rates will be. That’s true if you’re buying a home or car, or if you’re simply using a credit card. To creditors, a higher score means you’re a lower risk, so companies will charge you less to loan you money.

Even if you’re not in the market for more credit, you should know that your credit history and score may both affect whether you can get auto or home insurance, and how much you’ll pay for it. Since many landlords check credit histories, your credit may also affect whether or not you can rent an apartment. The same is true of employers. Many now check credit histories before offering you a job.

Q. How can I get my credit report?
A. There are several ways. The best place to start is by requesting your free reports. A new right, by law, allows each of us to get one free credit report from each of the three nationwide Consumer Reporting Companies (CRCs): Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

There’s only one source for the free reports, but you can request them online, by phone, or by mail. Here’s how:

Mail: Annual Credit Report Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

You can request one, two, or all three reports at a time. It’s up to you. You’ll have to give your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth to get your reports. You may also have to answer some questions with information that only you would know-such as the amount of your monthly mortgage or car payment. This is to protect the security of your credit information.

You’ll be able to get your free reports every 12 months. But if you want to check your reports in the meantime, you can always buy them. They cost about $9.00 and are available directly from the three nationwide CRCs.

Q. Should I buy my credit score?
A. Different CRCs may have different scores for you. If you’re about to make a big purchase, it probably pays to find out which score your lender will be checking. Much of the time, that’s your FICO score. You can buy that score at You can also buy your credit score directly from the three CRCs. If you’re not making a big purchase, though, you may not need to check your score very often. What’s most important is being sure that the information in your credit report is accurate-and actually belongs to you.

Questions Cat Owners Need to Ask Themselves

Before cat owners purchase health insurance for their family cat there are a few questions they should ask themselves. Asking themselves these questions will give the cat owner a reasonable idea of what type of policy will best suit them.

The first thing they should consider is whether or not they would like a discount insurance plan or a comprehensive insurance plan. The next question cat owners need to ask themselves is how attached are they to their local veterinarian. Some veterinarians will not accept pet health insurance from various pet health insurance companies for a variety of reason. If the cat owner does not feel comfortable taking their family pet to a different veterinarian they should look for an insurance company their veterinary clinic accepts. Cat owners should also be aware that in certain instances the local veterinarian or animal hospital cannot help their pets and might refer them to the State University veterinary clinics. When purchasing a health-insurance plan for their owner should double check and make sure that any expenses charged to the university veterinary clinic will be covered by the insurance plan.

Before cat owners purchase a health-insurance plan for their family cat they should decide if they would like to neuter or spay their cat. Some pet insurance companies offer health insurance plans for pets that will cover the cost to neutering or spaying. If the policy you are thinking about purchasing does not include neutering or spaying you might want to purchase an additional rider to help with the expense. Remember that if you have adopted your cat from a local animal shelter you will be required to neuter or spay your cat if the shelter hasn’t already done that. This is also a good time to get the first round of your cat’s annual shots out of the way.

How much can you actually afford to pay in addition to the monthly or yearly cost of your pets health-insurance plan? If you have to bring your cat to the veterinarian will you be able to pay a deductible? A deductible is the amount of money you have to pay the veterinarian out of your pocket each and every time you visit them. The higher the deductible you carry the lower your monthly premiums are on your pet’s health-insurance plan.

If your cat gets injured in a freak accident or suddenly becomes sick will you be able to pay for any medication that the veterinarian might prescribe. Prescription drugs are expensive whether they are for humans or for pets. If you are concerned about the potential cost of prescription drugs you may want to purchase a rider that will help cover the cost. Purchasing a co-pay option a prescription drugs get help lower your annual fee.

Before purchasing a health-care plan for your cat find out if the plan just coverers your cat’s immediate health care issues or if it will also cover the cost of the veterinarian’s office visit. Cat owner should remember that the time to research the various types of pet health-care insurance is normally before they purchase their pet. Most injuries and illnesses occur during the pets early years of life.

QRay Bracelets and Their Affects on Your Health

These bracelets have been designed to provide you with the largest possible quantity of benefits in a variety of different areas. They have been designed in a variety of different styles, using different metals so that your personal tastes and budgets can be accommodated. The bracelets are available in different sizes and are adjustable so that no matter what size your wrist is there will be a bracelet that will fit you and provide your body with all the benefits that are offered to you.

The core of the bracelets is constructed from flexible steel that is reported to have under gone a secret process that leads to its ionization. This steel is then fashioned into the shape and plated in either gold or silver using a process that has been classified as being of first-class quality. The style of the bracelet can vary, but the shape and terminals on the end are unaltered. Some of the bracelets have inserts in the terminals which gives them a different style.

These bracelets are reported to help relieve both skeletal and muscular pain in the body, through its construction in line with Chinese health philosophies. When the Ying and the Yang within the body are balanced then your Chi is enhanced and your overall health is believed to improve. Ying and Yang are the positive and negative forces of your body, while Chi is your vital life energy that affects how healthy you are. These bracelets and especially the terminals at each end are designed to help with the balancing of the Ying and the Yang within your body.

The bracelets are shaped in such a way that they fit round your wrist and ensure that that placement of the two terminals is correct and that they lie flat on your wrist, so as to provide you with the most concentrated benefits possible. The fact that the body has its own electromagnetic field naturally means that when it is exposed to other magnetic or electromagnetic fields it becomes disrupted. This disruption leads to adverse effects on the body and the mind since the normal circulation of the field through the body will now lead to a pooling of the energies in a certain area which may cause pain and stress within your body.

This pain and stress is what these bracelets have been designed to counteract. They help to encourage the flow of the field through the body which can help to alleviate the pain cause by pooled energies. These bracelets are worn by many well known sportsmen and women that compete or participate in a wide variety of sports, such as Colleen Walker (LPGA Tour Professional) and Bill Kazmaier (World’s Strongest Man 1980, 1981 and 1982). These sportsmen and women report that these bracelets have aided their performance in addition to its pain relieving properties.