Once glamorized on television shows, in magazine ads and other places, cigarette smoking can be one bad habit to quit. In fact it’s one habit that people often start at a very early age, from childhood on. And it’s one habit that has a high death rate resulting mainly from cancer associated with smoking.
People try to stop smoking cold turkey, or turn to religion, patches, nicotine gum, hypnosis and more. With so many choices available for help to quit smoking, here are some tips to add to them in order to conquer bad cigarette smoking habits once and for all and breathe fresher, healthier air.
Change Mindset
Start thinking clearer, and your mind will lead your body to a clearer, healthier state. You can begin by heading to your local library and checking out books, videos, cassettes, DVDs and other resources to help you stop smoking. Other good topics are on self-improvement, healthy diets, and motivational and inspirational themes. See if there are any support groups in your area on any of these subjects and search online for forums to find friends to work through any issues with and have fun with to get your mind off smoking and onto better subjects.
Also line up some support people on your home front, off line. You don’t need friends who still smoke that will say things like, “Well, a half a pack a day isn’t bad, don’t worry about it.” You need encouraging, healthy friends to see you through the good times and bad times like you’ll see them through in exchange. So get a list going of people you can reach out to instead of reaching for a smoke: healthy neighbors, family, friends, etc.
Develop Healthier Habits
A great way to break an old habit is to start a new one. So here are some you could replace smoking with; like instead of lighting up:
1. Put your cigarette money aside in a jar and save it for a special celebration trip somewhere fun.
2. Instead of picking up a cigarette, pick up a book, magazine, newspaper or newsletter and catch up on your reading.
3. Instead of smoking, do some journaling, logging your pain, agony, hope, improved health, etc. Have fun and use magic markers and stickers in it and don’t worry about your spelling!
4. Instead of smoking, go to a gym and work out or work out at home or outside.
5. Instead of smoking, do something nice for someone else- and don’t tell them!
OK, time to get moving. Go get ‘em!